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Xin Honghua Toys Co.

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hh41187 bo cartoon car
hh41187 bo cartoon car
Specification: 20*15*13cm
Detail: B/O bump and go cartoon construction with musical

hh41189 b/o bump and go double head car with color light
hh41189 b/o bump and go double head car with color light
Specification: 19*13*12cm
Detail: This cartoon car is battery operated,which have double head and colorful lights.It can turn over and go on when it bumped.

hh41696 bo cartoon car
hh41696 bo cartoon car
Specification: 19*12*11cm
Detail: This cartoon car is battery operated,which can turn over and go on when it bumped,with english song and 4 flash lights.

hh44471 bo bumper car with music
hh44471 bo bumper car with music
Specification: 33*13*12cm
Detail: Bumper car with music.

hh45963 bo bubble train
hh45963 bo bubble train
Specification: 23*17*12cm
Detail: This cartoon car can blow bubbles.

hh47438 bo cartoon car
hh47438 bo cartoon car
Specification: 21*17*10cm
Detail: Battery operated car

hh47829 bo cartoon car
hh47829 bo cartoon car
Specification: 21*15*14
Detail: This car is battery operated,which have many functions.

hh48706 bo stunt car
hh48706 bo stunt car
Specification: 18*17*14
Detail: This stunt car is a battery operated,which can turn a somersault,with english song.

hh48822 bo cartoon car
hh48822 bo cartoon car
Specification: 30*16*15
Detail: This cartoon car is battery operated,which can turn over and go on when it bumped. also a blow bubble car,with music.

hh48823 bo bump & go /blow bubble car with  music
hh48823 bo bump & go /blow bubble car with music
Specification: 30*16*15
Detail: This cartoon car is battery operated,which can turn over and go on when it bumped. also a blow bubble car,with music.
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